2 Cyber Chicks

Covering Risk: Insurance to Cyber | A Conversation with Lupe Peterman | 2 Cyber Chicks Podcast With Erika McDuffie And Jax Scott

Episode Summary

Jax and Erika are joined by an Information Assurance Analyst who brings a diverse perspective: a first generation immigrant who joined us in cyber after 16 years in insurance.

Episode Notes

Guest: Lupe Peterman, Information Assurance Analyst, NuHarbor Security

On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/lupe-peterman/



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Episode Introduction

Jax and Erika are joined by an Information Assurance Analyst who brings a diverse perspective: a first generation immigrant who joined us in cyber after 16 years in insurance. This episode highlights the career transition into cybersecurity, managing third party risk and the importance of resilience and resourcefulness.




2 Cyber Chicks on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnYu0psdcllSSucymyL5YClI0YzU34otn

For more podcast stories from 2 Cyber Chicks with Erika McDuffie and Jax Scott,  visit: 
👉 https://www.itspmagazine.com/2-cyber-chicks-podcast